Matna foods success in producing high-quality tubers with high starch content is widely attributed to selecting high yield cassava varieties and implementing best in agronomic practices. Our partners on good ignore agronomic practices include;
Matna foods has a program called the outgrowers scheme. The idea of this program is to ensure continuous flow of raw materials to complement the self-sponsored farm owned by the company. The out-grower farmers are a set of farmers who have their own land and have signed a memorandum of understanding with the management to cultivate cassava for the company. We also work with other categories of farmers which include small-scale and large-scale commercial farmers.
Our service today’s farmers includes:
Training/Extension officers
We believe productivity is key in driving our raw material demand and farmer productivity therefore regular trainings of our farmers on good agronomic practices and linkage to the right source of imports remains our priority to them.
Linkage to finance
We link farmers to financial institutions where they can have access to a single digit interest rates to finance their farming activities. We go beyond that by providing an off taker letter to guarantee their entire produce.
Trust and transparency
We remain relevant in the business because of the decades of trust and transparency we have established and nurtured with our farmers. We keep to every agreement reached with the farmers especially in terms of pricing.
The present production capacity of the factory is 120 Tons of cassava per day and an annual processing capacity of 36,000 tons of cassava per year.
The 1000 Hectare of cassava will enable us to meet up to 93% of our production capacity and we will be able to assure our off takers of constant supply of cassava starch.
According to our projection, a minimum of 15 Ton of cassava starch will be derive per hectare and the yield of the 1,000 hectares is projected to be a minimum of 15,000 tons of cassava from the 1000 hectares.